Organization Structure
Coping with the trend of sustainability, Yulon Motor’s Board of Directors officially adopted the establishment of the“ Sustainable Development Committee” in November 2022 as a mean for implementing ESG strategies.

Duties of the“ Sustainable Development Committee”
Review the corporate sustainable operation strategy
Review environmental sustainability, social engagement, corporate governance (ESG) work promotion
Scrutinizing the mid- and long-term strategy planning and the implementation thereof.
Examining the adoptions of and amendments to the Company’s major regulations such as the Articles of Incorporation, Rules of Procedure for Shareholders’ Meetings, Procedure for Board of Directors Meetings, Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles and Sustainable Development Best-Practice Principles;
Examining the adoptions of and amendments to the charters of functional committees under the Board of Directors
Supervising and guiding the Company to participate in various corporate governance evaluations and assessing the results thereof; evaluating the performance of the Board and functional committees in accordance with the Regulations for the Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors

ESG Committee
For achieving our sustainability mission and vision, Yulon Motor has set the ESG Committee (formerly known as the CSR Committee before January 2022) as the management platform chaired by the President to supervise the Company’s ESG strategy planning and activities and prepare the annual sustainability report. From the three major aspects, environment, society and governance, the heads of each department lead and assign jobs for ESG initiation, and the ESG Committee meets monthly to review, track and share the progress and results of each ESG program, and subsequently reports to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. A report on the implementation result of the year is briefed to the Board at least once a year, and the follow-up ESG strategies and plans shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
Information on ESG Committee’s meetings:
Frequency and number of meetings
The Committee meets semi-annually, and in 2022, the ESG Committee reported to the Board 5 times

- Obtained the greenhouse gas verification statement from an external professional institute in November 2022
- Established the Sustainable Development Committee in November 2022
- Ranked the top 5% in the 8th corporate governance evaluation for listed companies in April 2022.
- Received the National Sustainable Development Awards in November 2022
- In 2022, the Sanyi plant of Yulon Motor generated a total of 12.83 million kWh solar power and consumed a total of 12.81 million kWh electricity. The power generated and used at the Sanyi plant is for self-use and wholesale.