Analysis of material topics and assessment of impacts
The identification of material sustainability topics were carried out in compliance with the latest GRI Standards (2021). During the identification process, Yulon Motor facilitated a good understanding about topics of stakeholders’ concern via various channels such as the media, the website, the union, relevant meetings, annual reports and internal publications. We also referred to information from media reports, consumer surveys for vehicle purchases, customer satisfaction surveys, social media and benchmark in the global automotive industry using the method of questionnaire analysis. Based on the summary and analysis result, we have listed the key topics in order from an objective point of view, and concluded the top 10 material topics that may pose significant impacts on“ Yulon Motor” and “economy, environment and people” and set them as this year’s goals for sustainability. Meanwhile, based on the materiality of impacts on Yulon Motor, economics, environment and society, we have explicitly disclosed the material topics and in the meantime described our actions for sustainability on other relevant topics.

Materiality matrix

Movement of material topics
Note 1: Since the former material topic“ sustainable development strategy” is extensive in scope, it has been incorporated into various other sustainability topics and no longer listed as a material topic.
Note 2: In response to the trend of international automotive industry and environmental change, the“ EV development” and“ climate strategy” are newly added as material topics; the scope of the original topic“ community welfare and engagement” is extended to investments in society as a whole, so it is renamed “Social Relationships.”