“Love Unstoppable”
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022, people were less likely to donate blood, so there was a national shortage of blood in Taiwan. In order to address the blood shortage, Yulon Volunteer Club organized two blood donation events in the first and second halves of the year to call employees for blood donation and love, and it received enthusiastic response from employees. In total, 46,750cc blood was collected, and 115 persons participated in these two events.

Blood donation campaign
Car donation
In order to give back to the community, Yulon Motor donated one LUXGEN U6 to the Long-teng community in Sanyi Township as the patrol car to be used by the community security patrol teams.“ Limited Police Officers, Unlimited Volunteers.” Yulon has sensed that community safety patrol teams are important volunteer forces while the patrol car is an essential tool in their performance of duties and in security maintenance. Therefore, we want to help these community security patrol teams protect community safety by donating patrol cars, so as to increase the protection of the life and property of local residents.
Echoing the“ 2022 Miaoli Happy Travel Festival” hosted by Miaoli County Government, Yulon Motor, as a local corporate, sponsored this event a NISSAN X-Trail sport utility vehicle worth NT$1 million to lift the vibe of local tourism and travel and revitalize local tourism and economy.
Patrol car donation
Travel festival
Donation of accident insurance premium
Yulon Motor has collaborated with Yulon Nissan Motor to donate NT$1 million as the insurance premium for the“ Employer’s Liability Insurance” to the Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government for 24 consecutive years, to provide citizen workers of the Department of Environmental Protection who work hard to keep the city clean reassurance and protection. A citizen worker who dies as a result of performing official duties will be compensated NT$1 million per person; and one who dies not as a result of performing official duties will be compensated NT$400 thousand per person; one will be compensated NT$1,000 per day for hospitalization. Citizen workers will thus receive assistance and ease the financial burden therefrom when accidents happen. We have donated NT$24 million in total and protected the rights and interests for accident compensation of 1,495 citizen workers of the Department of Environmental Protection until 2022. Also, the annual donations have been made to the cleaning squad of the Sanyi Township for the“ Employer’s Liability Insurance” since 2014, as the feedback to where the Company is located. In 2022, a total of 39 members of the cleaning squad were covered by the insurance.

Donation of accident insurance premium
Health checkup event for adults and seniors
Yulon Motor’s Volunteer Club led 11 colleagues to assist in the health checkup event for adults and seniors hosted by the Sanyi Township Health Center in April. At the health checkup site, they not only helped people scan the contact tracing system QR code, disinfect hands, and distribute numbers, but also assisted in measuring height, weight, waistline and blood pressure. We served 147 residents of Sanyi Township in the health checkup with 88 service hours in total.

Health checkup event for adults and seniors