
Energy policy and objectives

Yulon Motor has been active in energy conservation and carbon reduction and thus established the Energy Saving Committee. With the president serving as the chairman and the units of departmental level acting as the main members, the Committee manages the energy and carries out relevant programs as per the annual energy saving and carbon reduction objectives. The power consumption of production systems and indirect units of the Sanyi plant are managed separately, and improvement plans were put forward based on job nature and implemented accordingly. In terms of the process management, the president convenes energy saving review meetings periodically to keep track of the energy saving performance of each unit. In addition, through the on-site verification and the information exchange with the benchmarks in the industry, we ensure the implementation level of our improvement plans, and thereby enhance the energy efficiency.

Yulon Motor’s
                            Energy Saving

Energy use

Quantitative indicator Original energy use unit Disclosure Standard of GRI 302: Energy
2021 2022 Unit 2021 2022 Unit
Power sourced from non-renewable energy 13,125.713 11,149.625 thousand kWh 47,252.567 40,138.650 GJ
Power sourced from renewable energy (solar power) 0 703.852 thousand kWh 0 2,533.867 GJ
Diesel 23.265 19.291 KL 817.662 677.994 GJ
Natural gas 1,211.470 1,009.656 thousand m³ 45,619.114 38,019.606 GJ
Total energy use - - - 93,689.344 81,370.117 GJ
Revenues 78,000.000 77,079.000 NT$ million 78,000.000 77,079.000 NT$ million
Energy use intensity - - - 1.201 1.056 (GJ/NT$ million)
Ratio of power to total energy use - - - 50.435 49.328 %
Ratio of renewable energy use - - - 0.000 3.114 %
Power sourced from renewable energy/total power at the Sanyi plant - 5.499 % - - -

Note 1: Non-renewable energy was purchased externally (Taipower); renewable energy was generated by own solar power generation equipment.

Note 2: The total power use at the Sanyi plant in 2022 was 12,810,000 kWh, if the 11,150,000 kWh used by the tenants are excluded, the total renewable energy generated was 12,830,000 kWh.

Note 3: All numbers were rounded to 3 decimal places.

Note 4: Heat value of diesel = 8400 kcal/L (data sourced from the GHG Emission Factor Table Ver. 6.0.4); energy (GJ) generated per liter of diesel =8400(kcal/L)*4.184(KJ/kcal)/1,000,000(KJ/GJ)

Note 5: Heat value of natural gas=9,000kcal/m3; energy (GJ) generated per m3=9,000(kcal/m3)*4.184(KJ/kcal)/1,000,000(KJ/GJ)

Note 6: The ratio of self-generated energy to energy use at the plant has been gradually increased since 2022.

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