
Circular Economy and Waste Management

Waste Management

We have been dedicated to the reduction of waste and recycling of resources for many years by implementing management properly from the purchase as a source of the waste, use in the manufacturing process to the disposal. The company reduces the waste and increases the benefit from the recycle by sorting the waste. In the meantime, we enhance the management pursuant to the“ Yulon Motor Industrial Waste Management Regulations,” the“ Yulon Motor Industrial Waste Tracking Procedure” and applicable laws and regulations on cleanup of waste and recycling of resources.

Waste Disposal Actions

  • Management and proper classification
    Management and proper classification

    We further classify waste into nine categories from the original five categories to boost the performance of waste reduction and reuse through management and proper classification.

  • Regular tracking and review
    Regular tracking and review

    The performance in waste management of each unit is monitored and reviewed every quarter as a mean to introduce the best feasible technology.

  • Waste recycling
    Waste recycling

    We commission domestic resources recycling service providers to use the waste generated by our plants in the production of recycled products. All the wastes are disposed of domestically without being transported abroad for disposal.


Waste output and waste reduction goals

The Company calculates the indicators for the total waste weight (including hazardous substances and non-hazardous), the weight of waste reused and the waste reuse rate, and the decrease in total waste weight from 2,937.34 tons in 2021 to 2,507.49 tons in 2022 and the over 90% of waste reuse rates in the most recent 5 years all indicates the Company’s outstanding performance in improvement and reclamation. Please refer to Appendix 6 for detailed information on waste in 2022.

Waste output and waste reduction goals

Recycling Rate of Waste in the Past 5 Years

Over 90% of waste reuse rates in the most recent 5 years all indicates the Company’s outstanding performance in improvement and reclamation.

Waste reuse rate

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