
Greenhouse Gas Management

The Company has established a“ greenhouse gas inventory team” to deal with the identification, inventory and reduction of greenhouse gases. We signed the“ Declaration of GHG Inventory and Voluntary Reduction” in 2006, and set the GHG reduction objectives for each department to cut CO2 emissions, flinging ourselves into the implementation of GHG reduction measures. Yulon Motor conducts GHG inventory, data collection, emission calculation, documentation and reduction plan for each plant in accordance with the standard procedures of ISO14064. Also, we perform the GHG emission inventory of the departments related to plant affairs, quality inspection, production management, manufacturing and administrative support, and promote the reduction actions.

Category 2021 2022
Scope 1 (a)Category 1: Direct GHG emissions and removals 9,774.8956 6,926.4697
Scope 2 (b-1) Category 2: (Market-based) indirect GHG emissions from imported energy - -
(b-2) Category 2: (Location-based) indirect GHG emissions from imported energy 6,680.9880 5,675.1591
Scope 3 (c) Category 3: Indirect GHG emissions from transportation 162.7821 131.4561
(d) Category 4: Indirect GHG emissions from products used 2,831.2923 2,186.5071
(e) Category 5: Indirect GHG emissions from the use of sold products 979.4812 1,175.5403
(f) Category 6: Indirect GHG emissions from other sources - -
Total (ton CO2e) (a)–(f) Scope 1+ Scope 2+ Scope 3 20,429.4392 16,095.1323
Total (ton CO2e) (a)–(b) Scope 1+ Scope 2 16,455.8836 12,601.6288
Revenue of the year (NT$ million) 30,459 22,410
GHG emissions intensity 2 (ton CO2e/NT$ million of revenue) (a)–(f) Scope 1+ Scope 2+ Scope 3 0.8404 0.7182
GHG emissions intensity 2 (ton CO2e/NT$ million of revenue) (a)–(b) Scope 1+ Scope 2 0.6769 0.5623

GHG emissions (Scope 1+Scope 2)

GHG emissions (Scope 1+Scope 2)

Note 1: The types of gas included in the scope 1(a) and scope 2(b-1, b-2) calculations are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorinated compounds, sulfur hexafluoride and nitrogen trifluoride.

Note 2: Sourced from the Global Warming Potentials (GWP) (AR6, IPCC 2021). The data of scope 1 and scope 2 were measured indirectly using the emission factor (GHG Emission Factor Table Ver. 6.0.4) and the mass balance approaches.

Note 3: The approach used to summarize the amount of GHG emissions was operational control.

Note 4: The GHG data for 2021 and 2022 received the ISO 14064-1 certification from an external third party.

Education and Training on GHG inventory

By introducing the GHG inventory, we enable a better ability in GHG inventory of relevant personnel. The training courses offered by Yulon Motor are as follows:

  • Offered a series of organizational-level GHG inventory online courses. A total of 45 seed personnel completed the training and 10 of which obtained the internal GHG inventory auditor certificate.

  • Offered 3 GHG inventory courses to various units and subsidiaries of Yulon covering: brief introduction to ESG and description of the organizational-level GHG inventory, introduction to practical ISO 14064-1 inventory forms and Yulon’s practices, and training for internal auditors.

  • The guidance for subsidiaries were launched in December 2022 and expected to be completed in 2023: 4 contracting manufacturers, 4 dealers and 6 other investees.

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